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Andrew Bowen DesignsOfficial Logo. | Package RedesignRedesign of La's Totally Awesome all purpose cleaner. | FrontFront of my redesign. | BackBack of my redesign. | Dream DesignsA fictional graphic design company. | Bob Ross PortraitA portrait of Bob Ross to honor his legacy. | Book cover redesignRedesign of my favorite Jack Reacher novel. |
T-Shirt FrontDesign I made for the 2018-2019 CTE Graphic Design class. | T-Shirt BackDesign I made for the 2018-2019 CTE Graphic Design class. | Masterpiece RedoThis is my redesign of Edward Hopper masterpiece but with a twist of Bobs Burger. | Postcard FrontHawaii front of my postcard. | Postcard BackHawaii back of my postcard. | The Razors EdgeRedesign of ACDC famous Razors edge album. | Social StatementThis my social statement on how most people that buy supreme only buy it for the name nothing else. |
Factory DeadpoolDeadpool version of Andy Warhol. | Magazine CoverCover of Jeep Builds monthly. | Magazine IndexIndex of Jeep Builds monthly. | Magazine spreed2 page spreed of Jeep Builds monthly. | Letter RossBob Ross made just from letters. | Word SymbolsFlashlight. | Word SymbolsFish. |
Word SymbolsTable. | StarsBlurry picture from Wisconsin. | Cloudy MorningTaking from my back porch. | StormsElectrical tower after storm. |
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